Many of the new year review tools available tend to be somewhat bland. They ask questions such as ‘What were you proudest of in the year gone by?’ or ‘What will you prioritise in the year ahead?’ Our New Year Self-Assessment is different in that it asks questions based on systemic philosophy. These questions are still simple but are more probing. For example:
- Looking back on the year gone by, whom did you exclude, and why?
- Looking back on the year gone by, how strong was your life force?
- Looking to the year ahead, how will you let go of what you merely want?
- Looking to the year ahead, what realities will you finally face?
Our New Year Self-Assessment is made up of 60 such questions in total: 30 relating to the year gone by, 30 to the year ahead. We believe they provide a more grounded basis for making improvements to your life.
New Year Self-Assessment